
Software Engineer

I have building cloud-native tools as a Software Engineer for 3 years.

Prior to that, I co-founded Boxtribute, an open-source warehouse management application for NGOs that distribute donated items in refugee camps used in multiple locations in Europe.

My work as a Software Engineer in the cloud-native space began at Ori Industries, where I contributed to Ori’s edge computing platform. There, I built multiple APIs, including for authentication, authorization, logs, and metrics. I integrated and added support for multiple cloud-native tools and their APIs / SDKs, including Kubernetes, Flux, Terraform, Helm, Prometheus, Jaeger, OpenTracing, gRPC, and many others. For example, you can read about my work around observability here: “Tutorial: How To Implement Jaeger and OpenTracing As Tracing Middleware”.

I then moved to Weaveworks, the founding place of GitOps!

I was a maintainer of eksctl, the official open-source command-line interface (CLI) for Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS). Part of this engagement involved coordinating with AWS to maintain parity with EKS for features such as IPv6, EKS Anywhere, and Karpenter support. I led the design and implementation of features for eksctl such as IPv6 by collaborating with AWS engineers who build EKS, VPC, and CloudFormation to implement requirements, edge cases, and tests. Another part of my work was to engage with and aid with growing the community of eksctl users.

I also contributed to the implementation of gRPC-based APIs for the Weave GitOps product. One of these is used to create Terraform templates and wrote a step-by-step guide with an Aurora RDS use case: “Using Terraform templates”

Currently, I consult on a client engagement with one of Weaveworks’ enterprise customers, SAP, on cloud-native and Go best practices, building open-source tools according to CNCF standards, and driving adoption in the CNCF ecosystem.

Environmental Sustainability Advocate

I am passionate about investigating the environmental impact of cloud-native technologies.

This primarily includes measuring and optimising for energy consumption, carbon emissions. It is also about improving resource allocation through FinOps and GitOps techniques.

As part of this effort, I co-founded and lead the internal Environmental Sustainability Working Group at Weaveworks to find cross-functional solutions, improve the company’s footprint, and write for the Weaveworks blog.

Cloud Native Ecosystem Contributor & Speaker

I actively collaborate with, contribute to, and continuously learn from CNCF communities.

One of these communities is the nascent Environmental Sustainability TAG, where we aim to raise awareness and for and find solutions around environmental sustainability in the cloud-native space.

Another one is the GitOps Working Group / OpenGitOps, where I co-founded the Environmental Sustainability Subgroup. Find us on the CNCF’s Slack in the #opengitops channel!

I presented the following talks at KubeCon + CloudNativeCon NA 2022:

I often spend time coaching folx who are trying to learn to code or learn about cloud-native software, especially under-represented minorities in tech. Do reach out if this sounds like you!

I spoke about my work in cloud computing at CodeOp, a coding bootcamp in Barcelona for women, trans, and non-binary folks in Barcelona.

© 2023 Niki Manoledaki   •  Theme  Moonwalk